The law firm Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen will continue its annual practice of paying for safe rides home for locals on New Year’s Eve. In a partnership with Yellow Cab of Charlottesville, the personal injury firm seeks to discourage drunk driving and make the roads safer for all.

Allen & Allen will pick up the fare for any Charlottesville resident taking a cab home on New Year’s Eve from 10pm to 5am on January 1st. Individuals who feel unsafe driving on New Year’s Eve can call Yellow Cab at 434-295-4131 and ask for the Sober Ride Home to be eligible for the free fare.
The firm hopes to mitigate the risk that drunk driving poses for the community by offering alternative means of transportation.
“The results of drinking and driving can be tragic, and we see too many sad stories in our practice,” said Trent Kerns, Allen & Allen president. “We want to do our part to keep our community safe on one of the biggest drinking nights of the year. Anyone who is unable to safely drive home this New Year’s Eve will receive a free sober ride home courtesy of Allen & Allen.”
Additional information about the program can be found on Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen’s website.